20 September 2009

A Rubric for Open Source Cinema (beta)

I am very excited to publish my very first videoblog entry to Quantum Cinema in which I give my candid reactions to RiP: a remix manifesto as well as the website Open Source Cinema. Sorry in advance for the somewhat noisy audio; next time I'll see to it that the audio is better quality.

A Rubric for Open Source Cinema (beta)
  1. Identification of Objects in the Frame
  2. Universal Editing Timeline Metadata
  3. Timecoded Text Transcription
Sample-Based vs. Hypercubist Audiovisual Culture

Eclectic Method remix the Colbert Report:

Memo Akten performs mathematical transformations on Radiohead's data:

Ian Mackinnon interprets Radiohead's data with Lego stop-motion:

As we can see, Radiohead's data is a far more transformable medium than the clip from the Colbert Report. Hypercubist aesthetics are characterized by this fluidity.

PS: I have setup the domain www.hypercubist.com to redirect to Quantum Cinema so if you feel like sharing the blog with your friends, now you can remember the URL just a little bit easier ;)


rektide said...

cmml & kate & Adobe's xmp are the existing specs for video annotation. cmml is pretty antiquated. i believe kate & xmp both allow arbitrary MIME annotations, which, supported by standard Dublin Core, should make tagging the content inside video pretty trivial. i'll hit you up with a video reply soon.

my absolute favorite readings on video all come from Silvia, aka Ginger, whose blog one of those astounding things of wonder. one of my favorite posts was a summary of issues with the API for the HTML5 <video> tag-- features that were seen as necessary for control over video: http://blog.gingertech.net/2009/07/01/open-video-conference-working-group-html5-and-video/

that being said, i recommend spending a couple hours reading the past 18 months of her blog. even issues outside of interest run into a confluence that makes up the bigger picture of hyper-media & hyper-video.

Gabriel Shalom said...

Hey rektide thanks for the link to Silvia's website. It is encouraging to see intelligent people are working on video metadata standards. I am pretty sure that artists and filmmakers are probably being left wholesale out of the discussion of video metadata by those who will end up making the decisions so its great to have you as a reader here -- it helps promote a balance and a connection between the worlds of aesthetics and code.

I have been curious about the mpg7 standard for a long time. I believe one of this blog's subscribers actually does quite a bit of work with mpg7 in creating the software Frameline

Based on the comments and feedback this post generates I plan to do a follow up video blog in the next weeks with a revised Rubric. Any suggestions? :)

Gabriel Shalom said...

PS: the last time I was talking about mpeg7 I was doing it in the context of what I was calling Quantum Camera Components...

Simon Ruschmeyer said...

Hey Gabriel,
thanks for your remarks on video tagging, lots of thoughts coming to my mind in the second! Dont have time to write them all down, maybe later. What about meeting next week?
Cheers, Simon

Gabriel Shalom said...

Hey Simon -- thanks for reading/watching -- looking forward to hearing your thoughts; I'll message you thru Vimeo about meeting up.


silvia said...

Silvia here. :-)

Thanks rektide for your support of our work in open source and open standards. We have worked towards visions such as expressed in this blog for now more than 15 years - making such technology reality is more challenging than you might think.

Not just do we need to open codecs and open standards to build the basis for interoperability - but we also have to get the vendors on board to extend their products (software and hardware) with the necessary technology support.

And we had to wait until the hardware was capable enough to e.g. have face recognition software work in realtime on videos. I vividly remember our first implementations of face recognition at Mannheim University in 1995 taking several days to process a video of an hour's length. And I remember working within MPEG around the turn of the century in trying to motivate camera manufacturers to place face recognition software into their cameras - it took years, but now is quite common in still picture cameras and hopefully will be in video cameras soon, too.

It is good to see support for open source and truely open standards based video technology emerge from the artistic sectors now that the technology is getting ready for prime time. I attended the recent Open Video Conference in New York and was simply blown away by the sheer mass of artists, NGOs, and other enthusiasts attending.

Keep that support coming! It has taken us long enough to get here!

Gabriel Shalom said...

Hey Silvia! Thanks for recounting your experiences! I'm eager to see what the next years bring for video :)

mikehedge said...

awesome post